This is the view from our motel window in Big Timber MT. We pulled off the road yesterday early afternoon because of high winds. They are still gusting up to 50 mph today, but expected to lower. You can see the Crazy Mountains in the background. They were a landmark for the early immigrants as they traveled the Bozeman Trail west. They can be described as having saw-tooth jagged peaks.
Yesterday, we followed the Yellowstone River. It was the same trail that Captain WM Clark with the Lewis & Clark Expedition took on the return from the Pacific. The river was open and flowing in places, but many miles had huge ice chunks.
We tried to imagine what it would have been like riding an original Prairie Schooner (covered wagon) pulled by oxen and seeing the huge mountains ahead that needed to be crossed. And then we experienced the need to adapt to the weather, just like they did! Only we did not need to find wood for fire and water and food in the elements!!
Wild Life
We saw bald eagles sitting in the pasture beside the road along with flocks of wild turkeys. Herds of antelope and mule deer were grazing on the hill sides along with the cattle and horses.

As you can see there was no snow in Wyoming as we drove through. The ranches in the valleys had stacks of bales used to feed their herds of cattle and horses. We could see the white patches of alkalized deposits along the pasture areas where water had accumulated and then evaporated.
It was unusual to see fields of freshly worked ground. Some were even ridge tilled and ready to plant. There were a couple of large fertilizer applicators on the road.
An unusual cattle feeding set up on a hill near Hardin, MT had two large round buildings with pie-shaped fenced pens build down the sides of the hill.

The right lane on the interstate through the mountains has grooves from wear and can be treacherous. It is no wonder these states charge for permits for trucks and commercial vehicles. The snow fences are unique to this area. They remind me of the backs of rows of bleachers without any seats!
Our trips to east have shown what man has done to change and use the land. There are areas like that, but man has mainly learned to adapt to the land and leave the mountains unchanged.
Thank you for checking in on us!
Prairie Schooners
Gorgeous mountains, Nana and Papa!
I always love to look at any of them - especially ones that YOU are looking at right now!
Psalm 18:6-7
In my distress I called the the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From His temple He heard my voice; my cry came before Him, into His ears. The earth trembled and quaked, and the foundations of the mountians shook; they trembled because He was angry.
Yeah for having such a loving God to hear every cry I make to Him! And to be so mighty that even the mountains shake before Him! Awesome is the Lord Most High!
What memories this brought back! We stayed in Big Timber at a KOA campground one night on a trip. We were out in the middle of no where and almost had the place to ourselves. It was so peaceful and very beautiful! We love it out west!
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